All posts by Don Cornell

Ash Wednesday Service, March 5, 8 PM in the Chapel

Ash WednesdayLet us enter the season of Lent with our eyes fixed on the cross and our hearts set on Easter. Ash Wednesday Worship begins at 8PM in the Chapel. The service includes music and quiet reflection, the imposition of ashes and the Lord’s Supper. Pastor Boling will deliver a meditation in the form of a letter, written from the imagined point of view of the disciple/apostle Peter, on the subject, “What Easter Means to Me.” All are welcome.

March Special Offering – One Great Hour of Sharing

Our special offering this month is for One Great Hour of Sharing. Since 1947 the Presbyterian Church has asked members to support the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering during the season of Lent. Monies collected are divided between Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Hunger Program.

Please use our Donate link to make an online donation to One Great Hour of Sharing.

February Special Offering – Bloomfield High School Scholarship

In 2016, as a mission project of our 50th Anniversary as the Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green, we awarded a $1500 scholarship to a Bloomfield High School student planning to further his education post high school. We have been blessed to continue this scholarship award every year since with amounts ranging from $500 to $1500; the amount depending on contributions received from the congregation for this annual February Special Offering. To date, six young women and three young men have received a total of $9750 thanks to the generous contributions of church members. It is a wonderful opportunity for us, as a long time neighbor of Bloomfield High School, to show our love and support for the young people of the community which we both serve.

Please prayerfully consider making a donation for the BHS Scholarship this month. No donation is too small and all donations are very much appreciated. On behalf of recipients past and future, heartfelt thanks!

To make a donation online, please click on the “Donate” link and select “Bloomfield High School Scholarship” from the dropdown menu.