Category Archives: Worship

Open Mic Night & Café on the Green

Fridays, Nov. 1, 7:30-9:30PM

Musicians, poets, comedians and performing artists of all genres are invited to take a turn at the microphone. Featuring Tim Witzal at the keyboard. Come to discover local talent and enjoy conversation and refreshments. (Musicians are invited to bring sheet music for our pianist to accompany your solo.)

The event will be held in the main building Community Room. Use the rear entrance on Church Street.

There is no charge for this event. Your donation of any amount will help cover expenses. All are welcome.

Holy Week


Palm/Passion Sunday, March 24, 10:45AM, Processional with Palms and Donkey, Sermon: “Peace Triumphant.”
Maundy Thursday, March 28, 8PM, The Lord’s Supper, Tenebrae Service of Shadows. Meditation, “Peace: An Example.”
Good Friday, March 29, 8PM, “The Living Last Words,” A Musical Drama by Ruth Elaine Schram.
Easter Sunrise Service, March 31, 6:30AM, Outdoor Labyrinth (67 Park Place), Meditation: “The White Flag of Victory”


Easter Worship, March 31, 10:45AM, in the Chapel, with Holy Communion. Meditation, “Reconciled–Once and for All.”



All services will be held in the Chapel (147 Broad Street) and live-streamed, except for the Easter Sunrise Service which will be held in the Labyrinth, (67 Park Place), and will not be live-streamed.