Sunday Worship in the Chapel 10:45AM with a Livestream Option

Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship in the Chapel on Sunday mornings at 10:45AM. (Summer worship, July & August, 10:00AM).

For those who want or need to worship virtually, here’s the link for the livestream: The worship services are posted on the church Facebook page after the fact and may be viewed at a later time. 

On Communion Sundays, (first Sunday of the month), we invite virtual worshipers  to prepare an area near your viewing screen to represent the Lord’s Table and set the table ahead of time with bread, a beverage, and enough cups for your household.

Fellowship Hour

All are invited to remain after worship for refreshments and conversation.

Young Children’s Bible Study, Sunday, March 23

Calling All Kids! Our next Young Children’s Bible Study extravaganza will be Sunday, March 23, Noon-1:30PM. Bring a bag lunch to eat after the 10:45AM worship service. The age range for this event is approx. 3yrs-2nd grade. Older children may participate as helpers. The theme is: “Jesus cared for people who were hungry or needed help.” All are welcome!

Sanctuary Sounds–Chamber Music Concert, Sunday, March 30, 3:00PM

Our church’s partner organization, the Sanctuary on the Green Arts, Cultural and Community Alliance (aka SOGA), presents Sanctuary Sounds–Beyond the Score, an afternoon of violin and piano music offering “glimpses into the lives of classical composers.” Featuring Laurel Gagnon, Violin, and Marina Iwao, Piano. Suggested donation is $10 or pay what you can. The concert is offered in partnership with Vox Novus, and will take place in the historic Sanctuary.

For more information about SOGA, visit

Open Mic Night & Café on the Green – New Date!

Friday, April 4, 7:30-9:30PM

Musicians, poets, comedians and performing artists of all genres are invited to take a turn at the microphone. Featuring Tim Witzal at the keyboard. Come to discover local talent and enjoy conversation and refreshments. (Musicians are invited to bring sheet music for our pianist to accompany your solo.)

The event will be held in the main building Community Room. Use the rear entrance on Church Street.

There is no charge for this event. Your donation of any amount will help cover expenses. All are welcome.