
The Church on the Green is both the oldest and the youngest Presbyterian church in Bloomfield, New Jersey. The church sanctuary was constructed starting in 1797 and served as the home of the First Presbyterian Church of Bloomfield (“Old First”) until 1966. In that year, our church family was born when four Bloomfield congregations, including “Old First”, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Park Avenue Presbyterian Church, and Ampere Parkway Community Church, merged to form the present Church on the Green.

Our congregation is a member of the Newark Presbytery.  https://newarkpresbytery.org/ 

We are affiliated with the Presbyterian Church(U.S.A.). https://www.pcusa.org/

More about “Old First”

The First Presbyterian Church of Bloomfield was named after the Revolutionary War hero, Major Joseph Bloomfield (1753-1823), in gratitude for a generous donation that helped purchase lime needed to finish the exterior of the building before winter. Original letters from Bloomfield to the congregation are preserved in the church archives. A Bible donated by Mrs. Bloomfield is on display in the narthex.


Historical figures associated with the church include composers and hymn writers.

The Rev. George Duffield, Jr. (1818-1888), an ardent abolitionist, wrote the Civil War era hymn, “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus.”

William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) composed hundreds of hymns and Sunday School songs including: Just As I Am, Jesus Loves Me, He Leadeth Me, My Hope is Built, Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us. Bradbury lived across the street on Belleville Ave., was a member and trustee of the church, and is buried in Bloomfield Cemetery.


The internationally renown American modernist composer Charles Ives (1874-1954) irritated congregants with his atonal choir and organ works until he was asked to leave his post after just two years!