Category Archives: Worship

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Lessons & Carols, 8PM

Come celebrate the light and life of Christmas at the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, December 24, 8:00PM, in the Chapel. The centerpiece of the service will be the cantata, “A New and Glorious Morn!” by Lloyd Larson, sung by the Chapel Choir under the direction of Timothy Witzal. The service of Word and song will concludes with the carol, “What Child is This,” sung by candlelight. All are welcome.

Live Nativity, Friday, Dec. 20, 2024, 7:00PM

Our annual Live Nativity takes place on the Friday evening in December closest to Christmas. The community gathers to follow Mary and Joseph on a narrated walk through the church grounds to the stable in Bethlehem where shepherds, angels, three kings and live stable animals greet the baby Jesus. Choral music is sung by the Bloomfield Chorale.  This Bloomfield tradition is free and open to the public. Children from the community are invited to participate as shepherds and angels.

Sanctuary Sounds–15 Minutes of Fame, Sun. Dec. 8, 3:00PM

Our partner organization, the Sanctuary on the Green Arts, Cultural and Community Alliance (SOGA), in partnership with Vox Novus, presents an evening of chamber music in the Sanctuary on the Green.  Featuring 1-minute compositions by different contemporary composers combined into 15-minute pieces of music. Cost is $10 or pay what your can.

To learn more about SOGA, visit

To learn more about Vox Novus, visit