Palm Sunday Worship, March 28, 2021

Sunday, March 28, is the Palm Sunday, the sixth Sunday in Lent. Our theme for Lent is: “Into the Light: Finding Hope through Prayers of Lament.” Pastor Ruth’s sermon, “City of Ruins, Come on, Rise up,” is based on selections from Lamentations 5 and Luke 19:41-44. The children & youth will help lead worship and the Chapel Quartet will provide special music.

Virtual Fellowship Hour Sundays, after Worship

Log-in for informal conversation after worship on Sundays, via Zoom, approximately 11:45AM. Here’s the link:

To phone in, dial (646)558-8656 and follow the prompts. (Note: this may be a toll call. Be sure to check with your carrier.) Meeting ID: 963 3485 4807  Passcode: 035644