News and Events - October to November 2013
Community Thanksgiving Service
A Community Thanksgiving Service took place on Sunday, Nov. 24, at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Montclair, NJ. The event was sponsored by the synagogues and churches of Bloomfield, Glen Ridge, and Montclair, with participation from a number of religious leaders, including Pastor Ruth Boling who delivered the sermon. An offering was received to benefit Toni's Kitchen, a ministry of St. Luke's that helps meet emergency needs in the community.
Religious leaders from synagogues and churches of Bloomfield, Glen Ridge, and Montclair
The generous stewardship of those who have gone before us enables our church to offer scholarships to college students who meet the application criteria. On Sunday, October 13, we were pleased to present award checks to our 2013 scholars: (right picture) Bruce Arlett, Jr., Ignacia Watson, Jennifer Dalzell, Jamie Dalzell, and Davaughn Hoots. A fellowship hour following worship was hosted by the Education Team in their honor.
Scholarships were presented to the recipients by Pastor Ruth
The all-day trip to Atlantic City on Saturday, Oct 12, raised money for the sanctuary renovation project, and everyone had a great time. The organizing team did a wonderful job. Thank you Marlene, Susan, Charlie and most of all, our MC, John, for making the trip so much fun.
Fun Fun Fun Trip...
Honorary Life Membership for Beverly Monahan
Beverly Monahan was honored with an Honorary Life Membership in Presbyterian Women on Sunday, September 1, 2013. This award is conferred upon an individual in recognition of faithful service in church work. Beverly exudes enthusiasm and energy, astounding everyone and making every task seem effortless.
Beverly has served our church as well as Presbyterian Women for a very long time. As a Presbyterian Woman, she has served several positions on the Coordinating Team and continues to volunteer at programs and participate in events. She is a member of the Lois Circle. Congratulations!
Beverly receiving the award from Eve Space; Beverly with her family
March 31 2013 - The west Wall is being repaired, all the Sanctuary's ceiling are removed and more scaffolding are erected to support the repair, and the East wall are also being repaired.
June 17 - More Scaffolding are erected inside & outside of the Church. The East Wall is being repaired, with most of the sanctuary's ceilings were removed & being replaced
April 22 - Scaffolding are erected outside of the Church & inside of the Sanctuary, to repair the ceilings & the east wall. The plaster will be removed & the blocks will be reseated. Most of the east wall will be rebuilt on the new foundation
April 8 - Major structures are being repaired; the foundation has been repaired with new sidewalks. The steel beam supports were placed to protect the wall from collapsing, in preparing for the repairs of the sanctuary's east wall
BEEFSTEAK DINNER- Fund Raising Events for Building Repair
The Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green's Benefit Beefsteak Dinner took place on June 7, 2013, at the Essex Manor in Bloomfield, NJ. This event raised funds to restore the church's historic sanctuary building. Bobby Valli's "Jersey Legends" show headlined the evening, which also included a DJ, Tricky Tray, 50/50 raffle, and lots of beef. Everyone had a good time!
==> Click here for the Youtube Video of the Event.
A big thank you to everyone who worked to make the Beefsteak Dinner an amazing success! There were over 160 in attendance, and our profit thus far is $6,500 and counting - all toward our historic sanctuary renovation project. Thanks to all who worked behing the scenes and all who supported us by attending, selling tickets, selling ads for the Ad Book and donating to our Tricky Tray! And a very special thank you to our featured performer, Bobby Valli, who volunteered his time and talent on our behalf, turning an otherwise fun and profitable evening into a night we all will remember.
Condolences to Susan Pericone on the death of her aunt and longtime church member, Elder Elsie Kleinsorgen
Condolences to Dot Engemann and family on the death of charter member Elder Edward A. Stewart.
Condolences to Richard Ochal and family on the death of charter member Marjorie Ochal.
Condolences to the Groel family. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. They will rest from their labors and their works follow them - Revelation 14:13
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