On August 24-27, come help the Church on the Green and Park United Methodist Church build a village in war-torn Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Build-a-Village program, a mission project of Church World Service, seeks to improve livelihoods in a sustainable, holistic and participatory manner for targeted rural communities. Please join us at Church on the Green on August 24-27, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, as we share this journey of healing and rebuilding homes, lives and hope. Beginning with a light fellowship dinner, we will enjoy mission projects, guest speakers, art, music, and lots of learning about the Build a Village project, Church World Service and the exciting scope of telling God’s story through mission.
Please call 973-429-7745 to register, or e-mail "info@bpcog.org".
Food Pantry Alert!
The Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green is seeking donations to re-fill the shelves of our food pantry. Recent demand has been overwhelming - In the first quarter of 2009, we served an average of 150 people a month, up 75% from last year. Donations can be dropped off during church office hours (9 am to 1 pm Mon-Fri). We especially need peanut butter, jelly, canned meats, beef stew, tuna, powdered milk, sugar, pasta and pasta sauce, and dry cereal. Monetary donations are also accepted. Our food pantry is a member of the M.E.N.D. network (Meeting Emergency Needs with Dignity), serving the hungry of Essex County, NJ since 1979.
A Fish-N-Chips dinner benefiting our "Feed the World on the Green" program will be held in the Parish House on Friday, September 18th, with seating from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $15 and will be sold after worship on August 30 and September 6 and also at the door.
Summer Worship with Park Methodist
Church on the Green and Park United Methodist Church once again are worshipping together during the summer months. We held our kick-off outdoor service on the Bloomfield Green on June 28. Please see our Worship Calendar for the rest of the summer schedule.
The Church on the Green will be holding a summer Bible study on four Wednesday evenings, from July 15 to August 5. We will be studying Paul's letter to the Romans, finishing up chapter 2 and heading into chapter 3. Everyone is welcome to attend one or more of these sessions. We will meet in the church parlor from 7:30 P.M. to 8:45 P.M. Refreshments will be served. For more information, please call the church office at 973-743-1796 or e-mail info@bpcog.org.
Our book study group is gearing up to start our second year in September. This year we will be studying Chosen in Christ: The Glory of Grace in Ephesians 1 by Richard D. Phillips. We meet on the second Monday of the month (September - June) at 7:30 P.M. in the church parlor. Everyone is welcome.
Choir Honored on June 25th
On June 25, the music leadership of the church choirs during the past year was celebrated at a barbecue/picnic at the Parish House, sponsored by the Worship, Membership and Evangelism Committee. Seated from left to right: altos Norma Corona, Joanne Vanderbroek, Ethelyn Fulton; sopranos Barbara Turnbull, Susan Turnbull, Carol Beldassari (also Director of the Children's Choir). Standing from left to right: tenors John Dye and Scott Maciag; Tim Tarantino, Director of Music; basses Don Cornell and Bruce Turnbull.
The Interim Pastor Search Committee announced during worship on February 15 that the Rev. Robert Foltz-Morrison has been named and approved as our Interim Pastor. His first Sunday with us will be March 29, 2009. He comes to us with over 25 years experience both in the pulpit and in other positions within the denomination. For more about Bob, please see his first message to the congregation.