At its annual meeting on February 6, the congregation of the Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green voted to create a Designated Pastor Nominating Committee for the purpose of filling our pastoral vacancy, currently occupied by interim pastor Rev. Bob Foltz-Morrison. The members of the committee are: Heather Arlett, William Dalzell, Glenn Maciag, Janis Sledge, Eve Space, Susan Turnbull, Nora Watson, and Desmond Wedderburn.
The Presbyterian Book of Order prescribes procedures for Designated Pastors. Here are key sections:
G-14.0520 Designated Pastoral Relations
"A designated pastoral relationship, full or part-time, is a call to a minister of the Word and Sacrament established by the presbytery for a term of not less than two nor more than four years. . . . The congregation’s pastoral nominating committee shall nominate to the congregation for its consideration and vote, only from among those ministers designated to it by the presbytery’s committee on ministry. . . . If there has been an open search process conducted by the committee on ministry and after at least two years of the designated pastor relationship, upon the concurrence of the committee on ministry, the designated pastor, and the session . . . a congregational meeting may be held to call the designated pastor as pastor."
The complete Presbyterian Book of Order is online at PCUSA. Find pertinent material about designated pastors by searching for "designated pastor" or for section G-14.0520.
Interested applicants should contact Kevin Yoho, General Presbyter of Newark Presbytery.
The Project Team of Connolly and Hickey, Historical Architects was selected by the Session in September to begin sanctuary repairs. Their preliminary assessment identified five areas of concern: the coffered ceiling, the bowing east exterior wall, the existing eaves, the roof structure, and the trusses.
Phase One, engineering the project, has been underway this fall and winter. The first step for the Project Team has been the review of existing documentation and two day-visits to the site. The second step has begun: preparing schematic design documents that outline the basic scope of work for the repairs. This includes preparing probable costs and priorities. Once reviewed by our church board, the Project Team will proceed with the development of contract documents detailing aspects of the proposed work so that qualified contractors can bid and carry out the work. The church board will review all documents before entering the final step of this phase: bidding and contract administration.
When the weather warms, Phase Two—the repair phase—can commence. It is hope of the architects and session the repairs will be completed by the fall.
The Sunday lectionary in 2011 draws from the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7. Matthew consolidates many well-known and repeated sayings of Jesus in these three chapters as something of a parallel to Moses being on Mount Sinai and receiving from God what the people were to hear and obey. These Sunday morning forums for youth and adults will begin January 30th and continue through March 6th. They will be held from 9:30-10:30 AM. Handouts will be provided so that members of the choir may also participate in the first half-hour.
The Annual Meeting of the Congregation and the Corporation has been called by Session for Sunday, February 6, 2011 in the Parish House immediately following morning worship. The purpose of the meeting is to elect officers, elect members to the Designated Pastor Nominating Committee and to gather as a church family to hear the reports of church boards and organizations as they report on their work and activities in 2010. It is also a time to ask questions, make suggestions and share joys/concerns about the work of this congregation. The Annual Report will be available on Sunday, January 30 to help folks prepare for the meeting. Looking forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting – and at worship each Sunday morning.
February 11 – 6:30 p.m. – in the Parish house. Mark your calendar and join us for the next Friday Night Dinner. We will celebrate Valentine’s Day – and the gift of love. Tickets are $8.00 and will be sold following morning worship on Sundays, January 30 and February 6. Looking forward to seeing you at dinner for an evening of good food and warm fellowship.
Our next book club meeting will be on Monday, February 14. We will meet at 7:30 pm in the church parlor and will be discussing chapter 6 (“The Promise-Driven Life”) of “The Gospel-Driven Life: Being Good News People in a Bad News World” by Michael Horton. Everyone is invited so bring a friend. For more information or to get your own copy of the book, please see Glenn Maciag, call the church office at 973-743-1796 or email
The Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green provides a full dinner at no cost once a month to those who come to us hungry. We serve with dignity all those who join us. Dinners are served on the third Monday of every month from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in our Parish House, located at 147 Broad Street, Bloomfield (across from Bloomfield High School).
With all of the hardships facing many individuals and families we want to do our part in making others feel welcome and let them know we care. Please feel free to contact us by calling the church office at 973-743-1796 or e-mail This program is sponsored by the Women's Fellowship of the Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green.
2011 Schedule
January 17
February 21
March 21
April 18
May 16
June 20
Dinners are served from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in our Parish House, located at 147 Broad Street, Bloomfield.