Regular Worship Schedule Returns September 13 We will return to the 10:45 a.m. worship hour on Sunday, September 13th. All are invited to the Annual Church Breakfast at 9:30 a.m. in the Parish House. Then we will gather in the gym to worship and to celebrate communion. Worship will be at one end of the gym and the Coffee Hour will be at the other end so we do not have to move from one building to another. Child care will be available. Sunday School Resumes September 20 The first Sunday of the Sunday School year will be September 20th. It should be an exciting year. Everyone from 3 years of age to grade 8 is invited. We will begin with children’s choir with Carol Baldessari from 9:30 to 9:45 a.m. and then move on to class from 9:45 to 10:30 a.m. Bring a friend! If you have questions or want more information please contact Glenn Maciag. The Adult Bible Study with Pastor Bob will resume Sunday, September 20 in the Parlor from 9:30-10:30 AM and will add to the texts from which the preached messages will be taken. Monthly Book Study Group Begins September 14 Our book study group will kick off its second year on Monday night, September 14. We meet in the church parlor monthly (second Monday of the month) at 7:30 P.M. This year we will be discussing “Chosen in Christ: The Glory of Grace in Ephesians 1” by Rev. Richard Phillips. The book is a wonderful collection of sermons by Rev. Phillips on Ephesians 1. The book is guaranteed to increase your knowledge about Ephesians 1 while also warming your heart. We will discuss chapter 1 of the book in September. Everyone is invited! Fish-N-Chips Dinner September 18 A Fish-N-Chips dinner benefiting our "Feed the World on the Green" program will be held in the Parish House on Friday, September 18th, with seating from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $15 and must be purchased in advance. Call the church office 973-743-1796 to reserve a seat. The proceeds will help fund the Feed the World On the Green, a program recently started by the Women’s Fellowship that feeds those who are hungry in our community. Peacemaking Offering to be dedicated on World Communion Sunday, October 4 Justice and Peace Shall Kiss Each Other This year’s Peacemaking Offering will be dedicated on World Communion Sunday, October 4th. Each year the Presbyterian Church participates in this offering to promote peace and well being throughout the world. “Peace is the wholeness and well being that God wills for all creation. Although the effects of human sin wound all creation, God is continually at work in the world offering healing, wholeness, mercy, justice and peace.” (Mission Interpretation, General Assembly Council, PCUSA, 2008). Each year individual congregations may choose to designate 25% of the money received as they wish. This year our Session, upon recommendation of the Mission Committee has designated our 25% to go to the Bloomfield Challenger Little League. This league offers an opportunity for all those with some sort of physical or mental disability to participate in little league baseball and gain important socialization skills while participating in a team activity. In deliberating about this recommendation to Session the committee wanted to do something that would help connect us to the town and do something locally. The committee also felt that this could be a springboard to other mission opportunities such as going to game to cheer the youngsters on or serving as “buddies” during a game or hosting a league picnic. We felt this could provide many opportunities to get involved in the community. We hope you will support this endeavor and welcome any additional thoughts or ideas you may have as we hope to continue to build a mutual call to action with this worthwhile organization. Peacemaking envelopes are included with the Spire and we hope you will participate and help with the goal of justice and peace kissing each other.
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