Category Archives: Worship

The Crucifixion: An Oratorio for Lent

During the 2023 Lenten Season, please join us for The Crucifixion: A Meditation on the Sacred Passion of the Holy Redeemer, an oratorio composed by John Stainer in 1887 with text by W J Sparrow Simpson. The Chapel Choir of the Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green will sing selections from the oratorio during worship services throughout Lent and will present the full oratorio on Good Friday, April 7. The full schedule is listed below. Pastor Ruth’s sermons during Lent will relate to the portions of the oratorio presented during each service. Join us in the Chapel or via the livestream:

April 2, 10:45AM
(Palm/Passion Sunday)
Processional to Calvary (organ solo)
Fling Wide the Gates (chorus and tenor solo)
April 6, 8:00PM
(Maundy Thursday)
For the Love of Jesus (hymn)
April 7, 8:00PM
(Good Friday)
Entire Oratorio

Sunday Worship in the Chapel 10:45AM with a Livestream Option

Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship in the Chapel on Sunday mornings at 10:45AM. (Summer worship, July & August, 10:00AM).

For those who want or need to worship virtually, here’s the link for the livestream: The worship services are posted on the church Facebook page after the fact and may be viewed at a later time. 

On Communion Sundays, (first Sunday of the month), we invite virtual worshipers  to prepare an area near your viewing screen to represent the Lord’s Table and set the table ahead of time with bread, a beverage, and enough cups for your household.

Fellowship Hour

All are invited to remain after worship for refreshments and conversation.