Category Archives: Worship

Sunday Worship in the Chapel 10:45AM with a Livestream Option

Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship in the Chapel on Sunday mornings at 10:45AM. (Summer worship, July & August, 10:00AM).

For those who want or need to worship virtually, here’s the link for the livestream: The worship services are posted on the church Facebook page after the fact and may be viewed at a later time. 

On Communion Sundays, (first Sunday of the month), we invite virtual worshipers  to prepare an area near your viewing screen to represent the Lord’s Table and set the table ahead of time with bread, a beverage, and enough cups for your household.

Fellowship Hour

All are invited to remain after worship for refreshments and conversation.

Sunday Morning Worship, August 7, 2022

Sleepers, awake! Summer Worship Hours have begun! During the months of July and August, and September 4th, worship begins at 10:00AM.

“The Lord said to Moses, ‘Rise up early in the morning…’” Exodus 8:20

Sunday Worship with The Lord’s Supper, August 7, 10:00AM, Ninth Sunday after Pentecost.

Pastor Boling’s meditation “Consider the Bees and Wasps” will be based on Judges 14:5-9.

Participate via Facebook Live: https// Or you may view the service on our website:

Sunday Morning Worship, August 21, 2022

How to view and participate in the Worship Services:

Go to Facebook a few minutes before the service begins. (Note: you may need to scroll down the page a bit to find the live video stream.) Here’s the link:  If you are not a member of Facebook, no worries! You can also watch the service live right here on the church website (although without the “comment” and “share” features).

The worship services are posted here on the website and on the church Facebook page after the fact and can be viewed at a later time. 

Fellowship Hour after worship, on hiatus, for now…