Category Archives: Worship

Season’s Greetings–Christmas Letters From Those Who Were There

The Sunday sermons this season are in the form of letters written by biblical characters on the subject, “What Christmas Means to Me.” Well researched and creatively rendered, the letters are excerpted from Pastor Boling’s forthcoming Advent/Christmas publication, Season’s Greetings: Christmas Letters from Those Who Were There, to be published by Upper Room Books in 2024. The letters are dramatically presented during worship by different readers.  The series concludes on Dec. 24 with the following:


On Dec. 24 (10:45AM), award-winning Bloomfield actress/writer director/producer Karen Stefano will present, Mary: Bring it!



At the 8:00PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols, Pastor Ruth Boling will present, Jesus: One Divine Detail.



Live Nativity, Friday, Dec. 22, 7:00PM

“O Come, All Ye Faithful” to the Live Nativity on Friday, December 22, 7PM. Join the Shepherds, Angels and Wise Men to welcome the newborn King. Tour with narration begins at 7:00PM, with live stable animals and music provided by the Bloomfield Chorale. You are invited to stay afterwards to pet and feed the animals. All are welcome. Free of charge.  Special thanks to Van Tassel Funeral Home for their sponsorship.

Building and Saving the Church on the Green, Lecture

Co-hosted by the Church on the Green and the Sanctuary on the Green Alliance, this guest lecture by Mark Alan Hewitt provided an expertly guided journey through the architectural history of the Sanctuary right up to present-day historic preservation needs. An video of the lecture will be posted here soon. Many thanks to the generous sponsors: Councilman Rich Rockwell, the Bloomfield Historic Preservation Commission, the Szep family, the Leo family, DiscoverURHistory and Joe Barry.