Category Archives: Worship

Joint Capital Campaign for Sanctuary and Steeple Clock Restoration

We are overjoyed to announce the launch of a Capital Campaign, conducted jointly with our partner organization, the Sanctuary on the Green Arts, Cultural and Community Alliance (SOGA), to fund the functional restoration of the sanctuary and to repair the 19th century steeple clock. With your support, we will again sing hymns and bow for prayer in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. With your help, we will also fling wide the sanctuary doors at other times for concerts, theatrical performances, lectures and community events. Just imagine! Click here for the campaign flyer Capital Campaign flyer_6.22.  To make a tax-deductible gift to either organization, click here and follow the prompts:  To date, $167,000 has been raised from early donors toward our goal of $350,000.

Click here to read an article on the project from the Nov. 30, 2024, edition of the Essex News Daily:

For more details, go to the top right of this home page and click on the words in red, “New! Capital Campaign.”


Holy Week


Palm/Passion Sunday, March 24, 10:45AM, Processional with Palms and Donkey, Sermon: “Peace Triumphant.”
Maundy Thursday, March 28, 8PM, The Lord’s Supper, Tenebrae Service of Shadows. Meditation, “Peace: An Example.”
Good Friday, March 29, 8PM, “The Living Last Words,” A Musical Drama by Ruth Elaine Schram.
Easter Sunrise Service, March 31, 6:30AM, Outdoor Labyrinth (67 Park Place), Meditation: “The White Flag of Victory”


Easter Worship, March 31, 10:45AM, in the Chapel, with Holy Communion. Meditation, “Reconciled–Once and for All.”



All services will be held in the Chapel (147 Broad Street) and live-streamed, except for the Easter Sunrise Service which will be held in the Labyrinth, (67 Park Place), and will not be live-streamed.