All posts by Ruth Boling

Illuminated Labyrinth, Tues. Dec. 1, 6:00-8:00PM

Ground yourself spiritually for Advent by walking our new 11-circuit, outdoor labyrinth, which will be illuminated by candlelight, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020, 6:00-8:00PM. A labyrinth is a circular walking path that leads from the entrance to the center and back out. Three words serve as a guide to the experience: release (upon entering), receive (in the center), and return (at the end of your walk). Come to the lawn area on Beach St., near Park Place, anytime between 6:00-8:00PM. Walk when you are ready. Take as much time as you need. Dress warmly. Wear a mask (required).
The photos show our new labyrinth and an indoor version of the illuminated labyrinth that was offered last year.
We hope you will experience God’s presence on your labyrinth walk and throughout the season. You may return and walk the labyrinth any time during daylight hours.

Bible Palooza on Zoom!

Join kids from three different churches for Bible Palooza–an afternoon of Bible learning, music, arts & crafts, games and fun, fun, FUN! The topic is Prayer. Sunday, November 1, 1:00-3:30PM via Zoom. For kids ages 4-yrs through 8th grade. Register by October 20 at  to receive an arts and crafts packet and the Zoom log-in link. This event is offered jointly with The United Presbyterian Church of West Orange and the First Presbyterian Church of Livingston. Free of charge. All are welcome!

Open Mic Night, Friday, Nov. 10, 7:30PM

Are you a singer, instrumentalist, poet, comedian? We invite you to share your gifts at our next Open Mic Night–Café on the Green, Friday, Nov. 10, 7:30-9:30PM, featuring pianist Tim Witzal. (Due to work being done in the Parish House, the event will be held in the main building. Use rear entrance on Church St.)

Audience members are in for a treat, enjoying and discovering local talent,  with refreshments, coffee/tea and good company.

A free will offering will be received to help defray expenses. All are welcome!