All posts by Ruth Boling

Building and Saving the Church on the Green, Lecture

Co-hosted by the Church on the Green and the Sanctuary on the Green Alliance, this guest lecture by Mark Alan Hewitt provided an expertly guided journey through the architectural history of the Sanctuary right up to present-day historic preservation needs. An video of the lecture will be posted here soon. Many thanks to the generous sponsors: Councilman Rich Rockwell, the Bloomfield Historic Preservation Commission, the Szep family, the Leo family, DiscoverURHistory and Joe Barry.

Sunday Worship in the Chapel 10:45AM with a Livestream Option

Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship in the Chapel on Sunday mornings at 10:45AM. (Summer worship, July & August, 10:00AM).

For those who want or need to worship virtually, here’s the link for the livestream: The worship services are posted on the church Facebook page after the fact and may be viewed at a later time. 

On Communion Sundays, (first Sunday of the month), we invite virtual worshipers  to prepare an area near your viewing screen to represent the Lord’s Table and set the table ahead of time with bread, a beverage, and enough cups for your household.

Fellowship Hour

All are invited to remain after worship for refreshments and conversation.