Upcoming Events
Food Pantry
In continuous operation since it was begun in 1982, our Food Pantry serves approximately 250 families per month (10,500 lbs food per month) from Bloomfield and surrounding towns. Loving volunteers from the church and the community staff the Food Pantry, which is open every Wednesday and Friday morning, 9:30-11:00 AM and the fourth Saturday of the month, 10:00 AM-Noon. Contact Food Pantry Director Don Cornell to volunteer or donate.
Feed the World on the Green
This is the name of our Community Meal for the homeless and low income population. Loving volunteers from the church and the community provide a nutritious, four-course dinner, free of charge, no questions asked, on the third Monday of every month, 5:00-6:00PM, in the Parish House. For more information or to volunteer, contact the Church Office.
Community Connections
The Sanctuary on the Green Arts, Cultural and Community Alliance (SOGA)
This community based, secular, not-for-profit organization was formed to serve the greater Bloomfield community by working alongside the Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green “to preserve, restore and renew the Sanctuary on the Green for use as a center of Arts, Culture and Community.” SOGA also facilitates arts, cultural and community events, including original programming, while honoring the sanctuary’s tradition as a sacred space. To learn more, visit https://sanctuaryonthegreen.org/
Our church is a member of MEND Hunger Relief Network of Essex County, and network of 17 food pantries throughout Essex County providing food to individuals and families in need since 1980. MEND stands for Meeting Essential Needs with Dignity. For more information, please visit their website at https://mendnj.org/
Cub Scouts
Our church sponsors Cub Scout Pack 2 in Bloomfield. For details and contact information, please visit their website at http://www.bloomfieldpack2.org/home
Greater Bloomfield Interfaith Partnership
Our church supports this interfaith coalition working with Church World Service-Jersey City to settle refugee families in Essex County, NJ. Click here for more information: Facebook.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
Our church supports the annual Bloomfield MLK Day of Service initiative to bring the community together in hands-on service activities such as the food drive, community-wide baby shower, and mural-painting. For more information, click here: Facebook. And click here for an article on this initiative in Presbyterians Today: https://www.presbyterianmission.org/story/pt-0122-dream
Bloomfield High School
Our church funds a scholarship for a Bloomfield High School senior planning to attend community college or a vocational school who has shown exceptional improvement during her or his four years of study.
We open our doors and our hearts to those in the recovery community. Alcoholics Anonymous meets in our Parish House on Sundays at 10:30AM and 2:00 PM. Narcotics Anonymous meets in our Parish House on Thursdays at 7:30PM.
Live Nativity
Our annual Live Nativity takes place on a Friday evening in December close to Christmas. The community gathers to follow Mary and Joseph on a narrated walk through the church grounds to the stable in Bethlehem where shepherds, angels, three kings and live stable animals greet the baby Jesus. Choral music is sung by the Bloomfield Chorale. This Bloomfield tradition is free and open to the public. Children from the community are invited to participate as shepherds and angels.