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From the Clerk of Session

January, 2010

“The Work of Christmas”
When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers, to make music in the heart.
(Howard Thurman)

During the past year, much of our focus has been on finances and building repairs. While these remain areas of concern, let us commit ourselves in 2010 to doing “the work of Christmas.” Yes, we are smaller - 213 members on the rolls. Yes, we have less money than we once did. But we are a congregation with many talents and many gifts - and a long history of serving this community through 4 congregations who, in 1966, came together in the name of Christ to create the Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green.

Think of what we can do if every member of the congregation gets involved. . .

  • Call someone you have not seen in church for a while
  • Visit someone who is homebound
  • Volunteer an occasional day to one of our established ministries: Food Pantry, Thrift Ship, Feed the World on the Green
  • Invite someone to join you at an activity in which you are already involved - Circle, Bell Choir and/or Sanctuary Choir, Sunday Bible Study, Book Club
  • Try something you have never done before or have not done recently - attend the Friday Night Dinners, volunteer to usher or help in creche, offer to serve as a co-opted member of a Session committee, attend a Challenger Little League game /ul>

    The opportunities to serve are endless. The reward is the joy of sharing God’s love with each other and with the friends we have yet to meet. As we walk through this coming year together, remember the words of Isaiah in chapter 6 - “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send and who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I; send me!’” God calls each one of us. May our answer always be, “Here am I; send me.”

    May God bless each and every one in the New Year.

    See you in church!
    Ethelyn L. Fulton, Clerk of Session

    Past messages from the Clerk of Session:
    December 2009: A Poem
    November 2009: All Saints Day
    October 2009: What do you do when your name is called?
    September 2009: Numbers
    June 2009: Summertime
    April 2009: Holy Week
    March 2009: Lent: Reflections on Serving God's People
    February 2009: February - A Time of Love
    January 2009: Greetings for the New Year
    December 2008: Christmas
    November 2008: A Prayer of Thanksgiving
    October 2008: Patient Trust in Ourselves and in the Slow Work of God
    September 2008: ABCs for a New Program Year

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