You are cordially invited to participate in the worship, life and ministry of our congregation.We are both the oldest and the youngest Presbyterian church in Bloomfield, New Jersey. The church building in which we worship was begun in 1797 and served as the home of the First Presbyterian Church of Bloomfield until 1966. In that year, our church family was born when four Bloomfield congregations, including "Old First", Westminster Presbyterian Church, Park Avenue Presbyterian Church, and Ampere Community Church, merged to form the present Church on the Green. Our congregation is a member of the Newark Presbytery and is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Bloomfield Presbyterian Church At WorshipThe most basic form of Christian service is the communal worship of God. Our mission is to worship God with enthusiasm, power and praise through the ministry of Word and Sacrament, the ministry of music, and through our common ministry of prayer and praise. We gather for Worship every Sunday at 10:45 AM. Other services of worship are held on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunrise and other days of significance on the Liturgical calendar. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated monthly. Child care is available during worship. Music plays an integral part in the worship life of The Bloomfield Presbyterian Church. The worshiping congregation is led by Pastor Ruth Boling and assisted by Adult, Family, and Bell choirs. Elders and Deacons of the Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green For more info on the Church Committees - Click Here News and EventsFor more News and Events <<< Click hereINSTALLATION SERVICE FOR REV. BOLINGMARK YOUR CALENDARS...The Rev. Ruth Boling will be installed by the Presbytery of Newark as Designated Pastor of the Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green on Sunday, February 3, 2013 at 2:00 pm. A reception following the service is being planned. The Annual Meeting of the Congregation and the CorporationMARK YOUR CALENDARS...The Annual Meeting of the Congregation and the Corporation has been called by Session for Sunday, February 10, 2013 in the Parish House immediately following morning worship. The purpose of this meeting is to gather as a church family in order to hear our church boards and organizations report on their work and activities in 2012. It is also a time to ask questions, make suggestions and share joys/concerns about the work of this congregation as we look to the future. The Annual Report, including the 2013 Budget, will be available on Sunday, February 3 to help members prepare for the meeting. I look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting - and at worship each Sunday morning. >>>>> Ethelyn L. Fulton, Clerk of Session Souper Bowl Sunday... Mmmm Mmmm Good!!!We're having a Souper Bowl Sunday on January 27th. Try Bloomfield's best soups by our restaurants here in town and by YOU! Yes, you may also make one of your recipes for our Souper Bowl. Please look for more information in your bulletin or ask John Dey or Susan Turnbull. Tickets are just $10 and can be purchased at the church office. Or Call the church office at (973) 743-1796. See you there! For more info on the Souper Bowl Event - Click HerePLACE YOUR ORDER FOR THE COOKBOOKSThe Fundraising Team has created our very own BPCOG Cookbook! We think it will make a great gift for friends and family! If you would like a cookbook please fill out this form with your payment and give it to Debbie LeDoux, Janice Fulton or mail it to church office. So we don’t over print cookbooks, we will only be printing cookbooks that have been ordered. The price for the cookbook is $20.00. Please make checks out to Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green. Or Call the church office at (973) 743-1796. Thank you, Debbie LeDoux. MONDAY EVENING BOOK GROUPOur Monday evening book group will meet again on Monday, January 14. We will meet at 7:30 P.M. in the church parlor. We meet every second Monday of the month until June. Throughout this year, we will be reading A Call to Spiritual Reformation: Priorities from Paul and his Prayers by D.A. Carson. The wonderful book examines some of Paul's prayers in his Epistles and gleans from them practical advice for improving our prayer life. It is a great book that has much to offer both our minds and our hearts. At our January meeting we will discuss chapter 5. Everybody is welcome! For more information or to get your own copy of the book, please contact Glenn Maciag at (973) 748-5117 or email SUNDAY MORNING EDUCATION PROGRAMOur Sunday morning education program continues under the leadership of Bruce Arlett, Heather Arlett-Doherty, and Glenn Maciag. We continue to read and discuss James Boice's book Foundations of the Christian Faith. We meet in the church parlor in the education building each Sunday morning from 9:45 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Each chapter in Boice's book began life as a sermon, so it is not a dry textbook on theology. It is practical, relevant, and approachable. You are invited to attend even if you can only attend occasionally. During January, we will be talking, among other things, about law and gospel, and the person and work of Christ. For more information or to get your own copy of the book, please contact Glenn Maciag at (973) 748-5117 or email It is practical, relevant, and approachable. You are invited to attend even if you can only attend occasionally. For more information or to get your own copy of the book, please call the church office at (973) 743-1796 or e-mail FEED THE WORLD ON THE GREEN: Meeting the Hunger Needs of Our Neighbors==>> For more info and see what we do, and WANT TO VOLUNTEER??? SANCTUARY REPAIR UPDATE: The Buildings & Grounds Team provided latest report
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