BPCOG Home Photo Albums
CWS Build-a-Village Mission Presentation at Park United Methodist Church
On January 25, 2009, Pastor Wayne Plumstead and the congregation of Park United Methodist Church invited Church on the Green to share in Sunday morning worship and hear Mrs. Tatiana Dwyer of Church World Service speak about the CWS Build a Village mission project in Bosnia. Afterwards, she led a Q&A session at a gala international luncheon organized by Rosemary Plumstead. The food from different cultures was truly amazing - people were brought together and their individual cultures expressed through the food they prepared. Our thanks to Rev. Plumstead and the people of Park Methodist for opening their hearts and their doors to our congregation.

 Mrs. Tatiana Dwyer of Church World Service and Rev. Wayne Plumstead of Park United Methodist Church.  People from Park Methodist and Church on the Green line up to sample a diverse array of international dishes.  Church on the Green people enjoying Bosnian and other international dishes.  More Church on the Green people  More COG people  Back for seconds?